Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Moscollum is a Pain!

For anyone who has or is adopting from Ethiopia, if your child has Moscollum, take him/her to a dermatologist. It is a LIE that the moscollum will go away on its own. Okay, not a complete lie, but about 95% of moscollum cases will never go away on its own. We are on our second round of chemically burning off her moscollum (the first round didn't work). My poor baby had 6 taken care of yesterday. She doesn't complain, because she gets 6 very bright and cute Dora bandaids :) Moscollum is hard to get rid of, so the sooner you take care of it the better!

Okay, I'm off my soap box for now!


KT said...

Where at?
Meya STILL has a scalp condition that I cant get the dr's to do anything about. Its a mess! No matter what we do, it does nothing. Its like REALLY bad dandrif, and if she goes swimming in a pool it gets even worse. It itches, so she picks at her head all the time.

Paige said...

Aw, I hope this heals SOON! She is beautiful and you are wonderful parents! Congrats on your adoption!