Monday, November 3, 2008

My Little Bumblebee...

Carving her first pumpkin - helping Mommy prepare for her Wednesday night message!

Her Fall Preschool Program - Check out the Bumblebee!

Uncle Gunner and Nana came for her program. Lil' Cupcake absolutely loves Uncle Gunner - she even said he could have most of her favorite things, including the Halloween cupcakes :)

Definitely Daddy's Little Girl - using Clorox wipes to clean the pumpkin! After cleaning all of the pumpkins - she decorated one with a lot of Dora stickers and drawing on it. Mommy, Daddy, and Raeghan all had carved pumpkins (Mommy carved Raeghan's for her - but more later, must email Carole before posting!).

There's Mommy and Daddy's Little Bumblebee. This is the costume she picked out! She has good taste - she made the cutest Bumblebee.

Little Cupcake with Daddy!

And, Little Cupcake with Mommy!

p.s. Lil' Cupcake did an amazing job at her Preschool Program. I was immensely impressed with how she sang along with each of the songs. She saw Nana during her program, and lifted up her skirt and hid behind it. It was so cute! Following the program, we went out to eat with Uncle Gunner and Nana. I think she had Uncle Gunner around her finger the instant she met him. She somehow talked him into letting her drink a lot of his Mountain Dew. Before she met Uncle Gunner, she wanted to give him everything - we were making Halloween cupcakes for Auntie Brianna, and she said they were all for Uncle Gunner. She wanted him to have her Ducky, err. Baby, her bouncy ball, and pumpkin.

p.p.s. We were so excited for Halloween - I think Travis and I secretly were super excited about carving pumpkins again. Lil' Cupcake picked out pumpkins for each of us - Daddy's was the biggest (since he is tallest), then Mommy's pumpkin was smaller than Daddy's and bigger than her's (I appreciated my pumpkin it had a nice figure :), and Lil' Cupcake's was small and perfect. We each picked a design we wanted to carve into our pumpkins. After carving the pumpkins, we go the costume on and went trick-or-treating. I think we went to 5 houses in 2 1/2 hours. We had a lot of fun, and I think Lil' Cupcake's first Halloween was a success!!

**I'll give more details on the pumpkin carvings once I have emailed someone the story first!


Anonymous said...

Adorable pictures! She looks so happy! :-) Isn't life wonderful!

KT said...

Looks like things are going well :-) She is so cute!!

Rebecca said...

Hey Lucy! Your blog looks great! I love all the pics..."Cupcake" looks SO awesome!!!! I agree with Karen...."isn't life wonderful!" Oh yeah!!!