Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bump, Bump in the road...Bump, Bump in the road

Yes, we have encountered a bump in the road (though just a tiny bump)! I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we went on a vacation too soon. Lil' Cupcake hasn't been home for a month, and we pushed her progress by going on a trip (new and different surroundings). Lil' Cupcake has regressed a little - she is having horrible nightmares, has wet her pants twice (which going potty has never been a concern-she's very vocal when she needs to go), and is extremely clingy to me (carrying her up the stairs, always having me go with her to the bathroom at home, can't be in a different room than her (except miraculously Preschool), etc.). However, I know a lot of time with Mommy and Daddy will help her out.

Attention all Hope families and adoption families in general, what attachment/bonding guidelines have you used?


Julia said...

YAY! You've started posting again! I can't wait to hear more about how it's all going. I'm sorry to hear about her regression :-( I hope it works itself out soon!